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Analysis of Waltek This eighth edition IEC 60598-1:2014 cancels

Analysis of Waltek This eighth edition IEC 60598-1:2014 cancels May 13,2020

Analysis of Waltek This eighth edition IEC 60598-1:2014 cancels and replaces the seventh edition IEC 60598-1:2008 published in 2008.This edition constitutes a technical evision and includes the following significant technical changes w...

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WALTEK prompt Wireless product sellers please pay attention! Japan MIC has important updates for WLAN technology requirements

WALTEK prompt Wireless product sellers please pay attention! Japan MIC has important updates for WLAN technology requirements May 13,2020

On July 11, 2019, the Japanese MIC released the official newspaper, and updated the technology of the WLAN part. The transition period for the new and old versions will last for one year, from July 11, 2019 to July 10, 2020, and from July 1...

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WALTEK Analysis Export Australian Jacuzzi WATERMARK Standard WMTS-525 Technical Analysis

WALTEK Analysis Export Australian Jacuzzi WATERMARK Standard WMTS-525 Technical Analysis May 13,2020

WALTEK Analysis The Plumbing Code of Australia (PCA) officially promulgated the WMTS525:2018 standard in 2018. This is the technical specification that the Jacuzzi must meet in accordance with WATERMARK SCHEME. It is the passport ...

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WALTEK Analysis The latest version of the fan product CSA60335-2-80 is compared with the original version CSA113

WALTEK Analysis The latest version of the fan product CSA60335-2-80 is compared with the original version CSA113 May 13,2020

In October 2018, the 11th edition of the CSA113 standard will replace the tenth edition. As a standard for fans and ventilation, the CSA113 standard immediately became a hot spot in the industry.

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